Tuesday, March 18, 2014

10 Ways to Start Living Healthier... Today

You've decided to get fit or be healthier! Woo hoo! Buuuuut where do you start? There's so much info out there and it can be overwhelming. Believe me, I know. So here you have it. A quick straight to the point list of things you can do to start working on your goals... TODAY. 

Healthy Eating
1. Get rid of the junk food! A lot of people say they'll just finish what they have in the house & not buy anymore. You could do that. But it'll be that much longer until you get your results. You don't have to throw it away. Give it away if that makes you feel better. I know some people don't like wasting food. The sooner it's out of your house or office or car or wherever... the sooner you can focus on healthy eating. 
2. Eat your fruits & vegetables! Sure there are fruits and veggies that you don't like. I'm not saying you have to eat those. Eat the ones you like. Try to eat fruits and/or veggies with every meal. The more produce you eat - the less space you have for other stuff. 
3. Drink more water. This one is easy. More water & less of the other stuff. Water has no sugar, no calories and nothing bad for you. Drink as much as you want!
4. Eat out less. Not only will this save you some money, but if you prepare your own food then you know exactly what you're putting in your body.
5. Limit the fried foods. Enough said. 

6. Find something you like and do it! You won't stick with it if you don't like it, so do something you like. 
7. Do it at least 3x a week. Whatever you decide you want to do, do it at least 3x a week. At least 30 minutes each time is ideal, but if you start with 15 minutes and build your way up, that's fine.
8. Challenge yourself. Push yourself! That's what gets the results. Don't hurt yourself, but you usually have a little more in you than you think. Do one more rep, go 5 minutes longer, try a heavier weight or run a little faster.   

Other Tips
9. Get an accountability partner. This person doesn't have to workout with you, although they can, they just need to hold you accountable for sticking to your goals and working towards them. I have told my friends to ask me everyday if I worked out. I don't want to have to say "no," so I do it. Social media allows for a lot of accountability partners. My blog readers & IG followers keep me accountable. I want to be able to show my progress in a few weeks, so I work on my goals everyday. 
10. Be Patient! Results won't happen overnight, but stick with it. They're coming.

**If you're interested in getting started with a 30 day challenge email jamar.paige@gmail or send a message via Facebook, IG or Twitter! I'd love to be your coach and support you as you change your life!**

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